Christ, Preston, MN
Luke 23; John 19; Matthew 27
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” The words must have been difficult to utter, on two accounts. Having been seriously whipped, losing copious amounts of blood, walking all the way to Golgotha (the Hill of the Skull), carrying the burdensome crossbar, having his arms and legs nailed in place, suffering exhaustion and shock, every breath painful and labored, Jesus still somehow manages to speak. And yet these are not words of spite or hate or derision. No, they are the words of a prayer: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
The first words proclaimed from the cross are directed to Jesus’ Father who, for some obscure reason, has allowed his only Son to be brutally, savagely, and wrongfully murdered. Still, Jesus finds it in his heart and in his dying breath to plead forgiveness for the ignorance of humanity. In the name of God, Jesus begs pardon for those who claim to be acting in the name of God. Which of us, thinking that we spoke for God, have done what those who crucified Jesus did? How many of us, who are nowhere near Jesus in sinlessness, can forgive as Jesus did?
Jesus, the obedient Son gave himself as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. He is the sacrifice that accomplishes forgiveness and, in that very act, asks for the forgiveness of all humanity, including you and me. Many people have died horrible deaths as Jesus did, and some may have forgiven their executioners, but only Jesus by his death fulfilled his purpose and teaching in life: to heal the brokenness of humanity; to repair the relationship between God and the creation; and to offer humanity a new way of living, one which God had intended for us from the very beginning. God, forgive us, for we do not know what we are doing. Amen.
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” An incredible promise made in response to a vague request: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” As St. Ambrose said many years ago, “More abundant is the favor shown than the request made.” One of those crucified with Jesus makes an incredible statement of faith but asks for very little: simply to be remembered. What he receives is grace heaped upon grace: the offer of Paradise.
Remarkably, this second criminal can see something in Jesus that the first criminal dismisses sarcastically: Jesus is the Messiah. The Messiah, the Anointed One, the Christ, was the One that Jewish people had been expecting to come for many years. They expected the Messiah to be a descendant of King David and therefore they were looking for a warrior king who would drive out the Romans and restore the kingdom of Israel as the centerpiece of the world. Jesus hardly looked like a king to the first criminal.
It’s been only a few days since Jesus came riding into Jerusalem like a conquering hero sitting on a royal beast. The crowds had shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!” Now, the words of blessing have been turned to words of mockery; now the shouts of “Hosanna” have been turned to shouts of “Crucify him!” Yet the second criminal sees what the other does not: Jesus’ throne is the cross; his humiliation is his exaltation; and his kingdom is not of this world but is the one that God has promised since the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden: Paradise.
Despite evidence to the contrary, Jesus’ authority is very much intact. Jesus is very much a king who can confer promises and blessings even in the most hopeless of situations. Jesus’ faith is unshaken throughout his life, and even unto death. Those who have faith in the faithfulness of Jesus receive the saving benefits of his kingdom, even as he dies. Jesus, remember us as you come into your kingdom, and let us be with you in Paradise. Amen.
“Woman, here is your son. Here is your mother.” Jesus looks out through eyes almost swollen shut because of the beating he has taken, eyes that are stinging from the mixture of sweat and blood pouring down from his forehead, on which sits the crown of thorns. Still, he can see those who are nearest and dearest to him. They are in agony because of his agony; and he is in agony over their agony. But most importantly, Jesus can look through the eyes of love. It’s not only love for all of humanity but also love for those that have touched his heart in a special way: his mother and the disciple Jesus loved.
Of course, Jesus loves all of us, but love is deepened as relationships are deepened. Jesus’ relationship with his mother is especially deep, almost as deep as God’s love for the world. It’s deep because Mary is a mother like all mothers, tied to their children with more than an umbilical cord. But it’s deep also because Mary intimately knows the unmerited grace that chose her to bear God’s Son. Children need mothers, and mothers need children to care for, but mothers also need children to care for them.
And so, Jesus, amid the gambling and pettiness, indeed amid his death, takes time to attend to what may seem trivial in comparison to his awesome work. But it is not trivial to him, nor is it trivial to us. He bequeaths to each other the things most precious to him, and in doing so shows us that his work is not only eternally significant; it is significant for the here and now. In providing for his mother and the beloved disciple, Jesus models a pattern of care and concern for our earthly needs and relationships.
Yet, because of the cross and what it stands for, Jesus also demonstrates the formation of fellowship, what we now call the family of faith. The cross marks the formation of a new people of God, at the center of which stands Mary, Jesus’ Mother, and the Beloved Disciple, symbols of faithful discipleship. Jesus, gather us as sibling and parents of faith. Amen.
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” It would be difficult to imagine any place more God forsaken than the cross. An instrument of torture and humiliation, the cross stands for the very opposite of God’s intention for humanity. The cross was about the farthest place one could get from God’s purposes in the world. And Jesus, God’s own Son, was at that place. Echoing the words of Psalm 22, a psalm of lament, Jesus expresses that deepest of human questions that many of us have uttered, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Should anyone dare to question the humanity of Jesus, they would look no further than the cross and these words. We are all too aware of Jesus’ suffering, especially those of us who have seen Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ.” But we are less certain about his emotional state and tend to speculate what was going through his mind and what these words mean. On the surface, they seem to be words of hopelessness, faithlessness, and despair.
Instead of trying to read Jesus’ mind we might pay more careful attention to his words, especially as an echo of the psalm. As a good and faithful Jew, Jesus was comfortable with arguing with God. God chose humanity for a special relationship, one that included frank and open exchanges. Just as Abraham, Moses, and Jonah challenged God, so did Jesus. And the intensity of his words is directly proportional to the depth of his faith. One doesn’t chastise a God that one doesn’t believe in. Only those who have great confidence in God can be disappointed when God remains aloof.
If Jesus is abandoned by God, it can only be because he is giving his life for sinners. Sin is separation from God, and Jesus took our sins upon himself, paying the price for us. We may not be able to know fully what Jesus means in his anguished cry, but we also cry, “My God, my God, please do not forsake me.” Amen.
“I am thirsty.” His tongue bloated and dry from the loss of body fluids, Jesus utters another simple yet profound statement. “I am thirsty.” It’s a wonder he could talk at all as he nears the end of his life. Of course, he was thirsty, as any human being would be thirsty in that condition. Water is the lifeblood of all creation, including our bodies, which are biologically bags of water. Without water we die. Jesus is thirsty; Jesus is dying; and dying of thirst is a horrible way to die.
It’s somewhat ironic, isn’t it, that the one who claims to be the Living Water, and who promises to his followers that they will never thirst, is thirsty himself. We who come with tongues hanging out to the Thirsty One are told that we will never thirst nor hunger ever again. Our tongues are bloated and our stomachs are swollen as we seek that which truly satisfies the deepest thirsts and hungers imaginable. For some reason, we look for that satisfaction on the cross.
We do so because we are told that scripture says it to be so. In a more profound sense, Jesus thirsts as a fulfillment of Scripture, and Jesus must fulfill scripture. It’s what is called “divine necessity” because it is what God has deemed necessary for the completion of God’s plan of salvation. Since the very beginning, followers of Jesus have tried to make sense of his death, and they have scoured the scriptures trusting that God has not done anything that contradicts what was promised and what was necessary.
God did do something totally unexpected and new in the sending and crucifixion of the Son, Jesus. But it was not outside of the promises made to us in scripture. It was necessary that Jesus both thirst and die for us, because God was determined to repair the broken relationship with each and every one of us. Dear God, we are thirsty. Give us some of that Living Water. Amen.
“It is finished.” Finished: over, done with, ended, completed. Any of these words can be used but what is finished? In the immediate sense Jesus’ life is over. He commends his spirit to God and breathes his last. The agony of beating, scourging, and crucifixion is finally over with. Death may even be welcomed, though not on its own terms. To the end death only comes when Jesus is ready for it to come. It’s over only when Jesus says it is over.
There is another meaning to, “It is finished.” Jesus’ death signals the end of his ministry on earth. No longer will Jesus preach, teach, and heal. Already the memory of his time with humanity starts fading from their minds. Already his presence on the earth is like some dream: faintly recalled but earnestly desired to continue.
But with the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry comes the completion of his mission from God. So here is another aspect to, “It is finished.” Jesus has accomplished all that God has asked him to do, even to the very giving of his life. For “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish…not to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through him.” Scripture has been fulfilled as God has promised. Though Satan’s hold on the world seems to have solidified, it has been broken instead; the Tempter’s rule is over.
However, we who gather to ponder Jesus’ last words know that this ending is not the ending. But let us not rush too quickly away from the foot of the cross. We need not wallow in Jesus’ death, but it is right that we linger a bit longer. We must acknowledge the shadow of the cross that falls upon each of our paths. And as we anticipate the fulfillment of God’s promises we welcome the power of the cross in our lives. It is finished. Almost. Amen.
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” One last gasp, and a holy one at that. Darkness now fills the earth as death is at hand. Jesus’ unrighteous crucifixion takes on cosmic significance. So much so that the temple curtain is torn in two from top to bottom. The powers of evil and darkness are poised to take over the rule of the earth, waiting for Jesus’ final breath.
Breath: pneuma in the New Testament Greek; ruah in the Old Testament Hebrew. These same words are used for breath, wind, and spirit. It is the wind that passes over the waters of creation. It is the breath of God that is the life force found in humanity. It is that which enlivens the prophets of God and inspires us to follow Jesus. It’s what we call Holy when it proceeds from the Father and Son: calling, gathering, and setting aside disciples into the church; it bestows gifts to be used for the benefit of all; it unifies believers into the very broken body of Jesus Christ; it pronounces forgiveness, the same forgiveness that Jesus prays we may receive; and it breathes in us the hope that the powers of darkness will not prevail.
Jesus, the one who was handed over to death, freely hands over to God what God first gave him. He places himself squarely into the hands of the One that he has always trusted, God the Father. Jesus again displays a supreme act of human dedication by entrusting his very spirit to God. The Spirit has been with Jesus throughout his life and ministry: at his conception, his baptism, his transfiguration, his whole ministry of teaching, preaching, and healing.
We who are also soil and spirit, dust and breath of God, are also handed over with Jesus. We who have been baptized into Jesus likewise have been baptized into his death. As Jesus completes his mission on earth, we who are gathered at the cross utter with great fear and trepidation, “Father, into your hands we commend our spirits.” Amen.
My sermons often preach a little differently than written and you can find the video here.