No Fear
Pentecost 4A
June 25, 2023
Christ, Preston, MN
Matthew 10:24-39
“So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
In chapter nine, Jesus had been traveling along, preaching the good news of the kingdom of God and healing many people. Suddenly he stopped and sensing an opportunity for a teaching moment with his followers. One can just imagine him sitting down holding forth in what we now call the Missionary Discourse, the second of five blocks of teaching in Matthew’s Gospel.
Friends, look around you. See how many people need to hear the Good News of my Father’s love? There are so many needs and I’m only one person. Is your gut twisting like mine is? Do you have compassion on them like I do? They are like sheep without a shepherd or like ripened wheat with no one to bring the harvest.
So, here’s what I’m going to do. You twelve, who I’ve called disciples, who have been with me and heard my teaching, I have a special assignment for you. You are now called apostles because I’m sending you out to do the work I’ve been doing. Now, this is going to sound crazy to you, but we’re going to do things differently than other teachers and students. First, because God’s love is free, you are not to accept any payment for healing people, curing lepers, and even raising the dead. Nothing. Second, take nothing with you, no money, extra clothing, not even a bag. Trust that people will feed you and house you. Trust that you will be provided for.
Now, I need to prepare you for something that might happen to you because it’s happened to me. What you are doing is not always welcome. The Good News of God’s love and grace is not seen as good news to everyone. Also, because you’re my friends and followers some people will hate you because of my name and reputation. That may not be fair, but that’s the way it is. And you really shouldn’t be surprised because we all belong to each other.
I wish that was all that you had to face, but I want to be totally honest with you. You’ve probably already noticed that my mere presence causes an uproar in families. Sons argue with their fathers, mothers with daughters, everyone taking sides. Of course, I don’t want that to happen, but that’s how it works out. Someday people will agree not to talk about me at family gatherings because it causes too much commotion. Maybe it’s already happening.
Frankly, one reason why my message is so hard for people to is that it requires a different way of thinking, one that goes against everything people are taught. My message invites people into a new way of life, one that demands unwavering loyalty to my way, the way of God’s kingdom. You’ll understand more about what I’m talking about after my crucifixion. But for now, know that when you follow me and give your life to serving others you will find true life.
Right about now I sense some of you drifting away, wondering what you signed up for. That’s okay. I’m not going to soften anything I’ve said because I want to be honest about what it means to go about in my name. Instead, there’s more because with God there’s always more. Here it is: don’t be afraid. I know, that sounds easy for me to say and simplistic, but it’s important. You see, God has you covered. You see those sparrows over there, what some of you call a poor man’s meat because that’s all they can afford to eat and the cheapest sacrifice available for the temple? It may sound incredible, but nothing happens to any of those sparrows that God doesn’t know about. And in case that doesn’t wow you, God even knows how many hairs are on each of your heads. Seriously.
Two thousand years from now someone will pick up on this and say that a life lived in fear is a life half-lived. That’s right, 2,000 years and people will still be experiencing what you are experiencing right now, trying to figure out what it means to follow my way. The important thing to remember when I’m gone is it’s because of God’s love and care that you can do this, in spite of all the difficulties that come with the territory. None of us can do this on our own, not even me. So, get out there and do the work that God needs to have done, to love and bless a world that is hurting and needs to know that God loves them.
Indeed, Jesus’ words were prescient. Those early followers would be treated just like Jesus was treated. Matthew’s community would face blowback from people in the synagogues who didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah. People in positions of authority felt threatened by Jesus’ message of love and acceptance to marginalized communities. But Jesus was also right about God’s presence with Jesus’ followers down through the ages. The way of Jesus has persevered, even if it hasn’t always behaved in the way of Jesus. It may seem creepy that God knows everything, and that might not be good news to some people. Even so, to know that God is with us in, with, and through the good, bad, and the ugly sustains us every moment of every day. As the Apostle Paul notes, death no longer has a hold on us. Because we have no fear, we are able to Love God, Love People, and Follow Jesus. Amen.