Messages, Meditations, and Musings on the Life of Faith by Rev. Dr. Scott E. Olson, Interim Pastor, Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Faribault MN

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Same, Only Different - An Invitation to the Lenten Journey

March 5 is Ash Wednesday, and thus begins the season of Lent. This year, however, Lent is going to be the same, only different.

Lent will still have the same 40 days (which doesn’t include the Sundays, by the way). And on Ash Wednesday we will still have the imposition of ashes. Furthermore, we will still enter Holy Week through Palm Sunday, continuing with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, ending with the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.

We will still have midweek Lenten services in a round robin format that welcomes area pastors as guest preachers. We will have the usual dinner before each service, a combination of our customary Wednesday night fare and potluck. And we’ll continue our education for all ages on Wednesdays following worship (except on Ash Wednesday and during Holy Week).

Yet, this Lent will be very different.

Instead of waiting until Good Friday to read the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and death, we will spend most of the Sundays in Lent walking with Jesus on the way to the cross as described in the Gospel of John.

Moreover, on Wednesday nights the area pastors won’t be preaching as one normally thinks of preaching. Instead, each will be performing a first-person monologue in a series called Brought to Life. Each pastor will attempt to “bring to life” a biblical character who has been “brought to life” through an encounter with Jesus. (Thanks to Jason Glaser for this marvelous title!) Following the worship service, which will feature Holden Evening Prayer, the pastor of the night will gather for further conversation in the Heritage Room about the character’s encounter with Jesus. You can see our website for further information and a schedule (

Please take this posting as an invitation to go deeper into your life of faith this Lent by joining us on Sundays for the passion story and on Wednesdays for ways you might be Brought to Life. You can also join us electronically. I believe it will make a difference in your spiritual journey.

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