Messages, Meditations, and Musings on the Life of Faith by Rev. Dr. Scott E. Olson, Interim Pastor, Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Faribault MN

Sunday, March 29, 2015

"Who Is This?" - Sermon for Palm Sunday

Who Is This?
Palm Sunday – Narrative Lectionary 1
March 29, 2015
Grace, Mankato, MN
Matthew 21.1-17

At lunch with fellow Rotarians I was reminded of the importance of questions for the life of faith. They agreed that the big questions are as important as the answers, and arguably even more so. In fact, I believe that the life of faith is lived mainly in the questions more so than the answers. As an aside, I am fearful of those who claim to have all of the answers and have no questions. One of my fervent hopes is that Grace is and will continue to be a safe place to ask questions. There is a central question voiced in today’s text that winds throughout the Bible: “Who is this?” Please ponder this question with me for the next several minutes, will you?

Who is it that brings such hope to the people who follow him that they risk being accused of causing a riot by the Romans?

Who is it that makes the religious leaders so afraid that they will try to silence him permanently?

To whom is it that we shout “Hosanna,” save us and what is it that we want him to save us from?

Who is it that comes from the East, through the Mt. of Olives, the place from which God and Messiah is said will return?

Who is it that comes in as a conquering hero, not with weapons of war but with palms and, what…?

Who is it that is in control of everything, right down to the arrangements for transportation?

Who is it that sends the Holy City into turmoil by his very presence, reminding us a another city in turmoil at his birth over thirty years ago, Bethlehem?

Who is it that upsets the status quo by challenging centuries-long religious practices?

Who is it that is not only a prophet himself, but also fulfills prophecy and scripture?

Who is it that comes and dares risk death knowing that this is the city that habitually kills its prophets?

Who is it that by his very presence condemns the temple as a den of thieves, making it instead a place where the blind see and the lame walk?

Who is it that refuses to silence the marginalized and “least of these” and accepts their praise?

Of whom is it that even children see a new thing that is happening and shout “Hosanna?”

Who is it that by his presence challenges us to question our blindness, lameness and resistance to what God is doing in our world?

Yet, who is it that offers unbounded grace and mercy, who heals our blindness and gives us strength to follow?

Who is it that will disappoint a good many people before the week is over?

Who is it that by his presence invites us to find our place in the story?

Who is this? Will you walk with me this week as we continue to enter this deepest of questions? Will you go with me through Jesus’ last meal with his closest friends on Maundy Thursday? Will you watch with me at the foot of the cross, where questioning turns to mockery turns to confession and witness? And will you then gather at the empty tomb where we celebrate the unexpectedly joyous answer? Who is this? Let’s find out together. Amen.

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