Jesus Emmanuel: God with Us, God One of Us
Epiphany 2 – Narrative Lectionary 1
January 20, 2019
Grace, Mankato, MN
Matthew 4.1-17
Early in my learning to give pastoral care, a seasoned pastor told me story of an experience from his early learning. He was visiting a man in the hospital, someone he didn’t know. This nascent pastor was listening intently to him and tracking with everything he said. Being a caring individual and wanting to be sympathetic he finally said the man, “I know how you feel.” Suddenly and without warning the man punched him in the chest and said, “I’m old and I’m dying of cancer; you couldn’t possibly know what I feel!” It was lesson learned and a painful one at that but one he’d never forget. The old man was right; he didn’t know how he felt.
Readers of Matthew’s story about Jesus’ testing in the wilderness have posited that because God took on flesh God knows exactly what it means to be one of us. God knows what it’s like to feel what we feel. But does he? Does God really know what it’s like? This story has fascinated us for millennia. From commentators to painters and, more recently, film makers, this story has been grist for many a mill. But, aside from the demonic elements and the classic battle of good versus evil, this episode has a more important purpose in Matthew’s story. It is another episode in the unfolding story that seeks to answer, “Who is this Jesus?”
The season of Epiphany explores that question in some depth because the word epiphany means to show or to make manifest. An epiphany reveals something. In Matthew’s birth story particularly, we learn that Jesus is descended from King David and that he has come to save his people. Furthermore, Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with Us.” In the story of the magi, we learned he is a king that threatens the powerful and last week in his baptism we heard that he is God’s Beloved Son. Today, immediately after Jesus is declared God’s Beloved Son we hear that he is thrust out into the desert and tested by Satan. We see that Being God’s Beloved doesn’t mean an easy life. In fact, it’s just the opposite. As the story unfolds we see that the testing never ends, even while Jesus is on the cross.
This story and the rest of the New Testament want to make absolutely clear that Jesus is thoroughly and unequivocally human. At the same time scripture wants to make clear that Jesus is thoroughly and unequivocally God. Jesus is not only “God with Us, he is “God One of Us.” Jesus eats, sleeps, feels pain, suffers, angers, and feels deeply, just like we do. But, although it may be comforting to know that God knows what it’s like to be human, is it accurate to say that Jesus knows what it means to be us? Does he know what it means to have cancer? Does he know what it feels like to be sexually assaulted?
In one sense, the answer is obviously, “No.” Jesus couldn’t possibly have experienced everything that we have. But there are two more ways in which Jesus does know what it’s like to be one of us. First, what ties together all of our experiences of being human is the temptation we all have to make God less than God. Whether it’s the temptation to allow the material goods of this world to become more important to us than God or to take God’s place in all of our struggles, Jesus knows what that is like to be us.
But there’s a second, far more important way that Jesus knows what we go through and it is found in the cross. On the cross Jesus took upon himself for us all of our brokenness, pain, struggles and sin where it was crucified along with him. There is nothing that you have gone through or are going through that Jesus doesn’t know about. More importantly, there’s nothing that he isn’t taking care of by walking with you through that pain. But there’s more (with God there’s always more). Jesus continues to be “God with Us” in the bread and wine of Holy Communion and as we take that into ourselves, “God One of Us” becomes “God One with Us,” strengthening us to make this journey through life. Thanks be to God. Amen.
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